Le non-mental selon la pensée Zen
The non-mind according to Zen thought is one of the most important works of Dr. Suzuki. These commentaries on the Huie-Neng sutra, deal with the central problem of Zen, and represent the purest, most subtle and most penetrating form of this Buddhist doctrine.
Dr DT Suzuki, Professor of Buddhist Philosophy at Kyoto University (Japan), was born in 1869. His understanding of spiritual things, his vast culture, his erudition, his perfect knowledge of Sanskrit, Pali, Chinese, Japanese, made him the highest Zen authority known to date.
He also knows in depth the thought and the main languages of the West, which qualifies him to teach us.
Dr. Suzuki has published some thirty books, including the Essays on Zen Buddhism , considered his masterpiece.
Genre: essay
Difficulty level: high
Pratique de la voie intérieure
Karlfried Graf Dürckheim (1896 - 1988), nicknamed the Old Sage of the Black Forest, teaches us how to go from the psychological to the spiritual.
Psychologist and philosopher, the work of Karlfried Graf Dürckheim is located at the confluence of a threefold source: the psychology of CG Jung, the mystique of Maître Eckhart and the Zen tradition that he studied in Japan.
Starting from the idea that everything that is alive must develop for a realization, the author explains what is the vocation of the man: this one reaches his authentic Being when he realizes that he is an aspect of the Divine Being and that he testifies to it on a daily basis.
Genre: essay
Difficulty level: light
The autobiography of Milarépa is, without a doubt, one of the greatest spiritual documents of humanity. Describing the mystical experience in what it has most intimate as in what it has most concrete, it allows us to penetrate not only the Tibetan soul but also to attend the formation of a saint of a stature and an unusual singularity.
Recorded in the 13th century by the disciple of Milarépa, this story abounds in poetic images of deep spiritual significance and great charm. In addition, he instructs us in a very comprehensive way on the development of Lamaism, this tantric form of Buddhism in Tibet.
Milarépa lived in the 11th century (1040-1123). He was the disciple of Marpa, himself successor of the Indian Nâropa, who taught at the University of Nâlanda, center of Buddhist culture in India before the invasion of the Muslims.
Genre: autobiography
Difficulty level: light
According to tradition, Hui-neng (638-713) is the sixth patriarch of the Zen Buddhist school and founder of the so-called southern current of this school. In reality, Hui-neng, an almost illiterate Cantonese, is the real founder of chan (zen, in Japanese). One day at the market, hearing someone recite the Diamond Sutra, he was so impressed that he went to Master Hongren, fifth patriarch of the Dhyana sect. The latter first seeks to discourage him, by telling him that the Cantonese do not have "the nature of Buddha". Hui-neng replies that this has nothing to do with the distinctions between North and South. Hongren admits him to his community, where he gives him the place of rice pounder. When the time has come to choose his successor, the master asks each of his disciples to compose a poem in which he expresses his vision of enlightenment.
Despite being poorly educated, the verses offered by Hui-neng are the most penetrating, and Hongren then chooses him as his successor, but in secret to avoid a stir. Hui-neng spent several years retired in a fishing village, not to begin teaching until the age of thirty-eight. He introduces the search for enlightenment through sudden intuition, taking an anti-ritualist, anti-intellectualizing and sometimes frankly iconoclastic position, so as to make the disciples grasp the deepest reality.
Genre: autobiography
Difficulty level: medium
Par-delà le premier jour
Author and publisher Gaëtan Picard was only nineteen years old when, transformed by his encounter with Zen Buddhism, he wrote down on paper a mystical-poetic story entitled Par-delà le premier jour.
Imagined like a long haiku, these Japanese poems designed to capture the moment in its intimate truth, the author candidly gives us a snapshot of the effervescent thought that animates him, drawing us with him into a perpetual and astonishing metamorphosis.
Discover this unpublished text which constitutes, in a way, the genesis of the fantastic series Azura le double pays , a series to which the author devoted himself for more than twenty years, before seeing it finally published by Éditions Pierre-Tisseyre at the beginning. from the 2000s.
Genre: poetic essay
Difficulty level: none
Text and photo: © 1976
Follow-up by the autobiographical story Un saut dans le Vide (prose, © 2019).
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