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Dominique Blattlin, auteur


Avant-dernières pensées de Dominique Blattlin, paru chez numediteur.

Pocket Book / 432 pages

ISBN 978-2-924286-57-9

“D. BLATTLIN, known in the world of cinema, published in the years 70-80 more than 60 short stories in various magazines. Today, he publishes an essential collection for all true fans of the fantastic. From the first page, the reader finds himself immersed in a very particular universe, where the past bursts into the present and disrupts the daily lives of men and women confronted with improbable, absurd, even demonic situations.


It is a universe where houses are haunted and where ghosts, ghosts, specters are legion. Where certain animals are their intercessors to settle some scores or accomplish some cold revenge. We can never be wary enough of cats who “know it” and who make people “do funny things”, werewolves who “know how to write stories for little girls” or even lions who take the metro!


They are wrong all those who would not read this fantastic news which has the charm of old abandoned houses, obsolete objects relegated to the bottom of attics and tales and legends that no one believes anymore. " - Harfang Magazine # 50

eBook: $ 7.99 / € 5.79

Paper: $ 18.99 / € 12.19




Michel Bourdage, auteur


La solution Aubert de Michel Bourdage, paru chez numediteur.

Paperback / 270 pages

ISBN 978-2-925019-05-3

In the century of Columbus, Europe gradually emerged from a dark period when the peasantry found itself purged of a third of its population by the Black Death. Habits change. The promiscuity of the cities obliges to review if not to create rules of life, hygiene, social organization. Utensils appear at the table and the cuisine is refined. The compass with the astrolabe makes offshore navigation possible. The maps are becoming clearer. Agriculture takes off. Glassmaking techniques are improving. The advent of the blast furnace revolutionized metallurgy. The concept of insurance in maritime transport is essential, then secures trade.


Forty years after Christopher Columbus, the French landed on the North American continent. It was in Gaspé that they dismounted and began to explore Canada. The country attracts its share of daring as its share of freedmen. Colonization does not take. New France was almost abandoned to its fate ...


It is in this climate that La solution Aubert takes place.


Paper: $ 19.99 / € 12.89



Thierry Gagnon, auteur


Kimiko aux enfers de Thierry Gagnon, paru chez numediteur.

Caught in the midst of a thousand-year-old conflict between the gods of Olympus, Kimiko must cross the Greek Underworld and find a way to save her parents, unjustly condemned to an afterlife that is not theirs. Armed only with her courage and her mobile phone, she will have to face the terrifying monsters and the exhausted gods that stand in her way.  Thus begins a vast epic that explores the collision between the world of legends and our own.


“Kimiko in the Underworld is a really nice book! It is a dive into the heart of mythology with all that it entails of mystery and magic. The adventure passes at a breakneck speed - it was necessary to play on words - and the questions pile up on a final of turmoil: we need the continuation. A really solid construction and a gripping plot. "  - Alain Touffait, Le Patelinant


“The content of this book is a real marvel for me, a beautiful discovery that will have fascinated me from start to finish. The mythological aspect is very well used in a contemporary context, brought in particular by Kimiko, to the rebellious and insolent personality but also very funny, as well as to her relationship with Prometheus, who became her guardian in the underworld. "  - The Baroque Feathers

eBook: $ 7.99 / € 5.79

Paper: $ 14.99 / € 9.59


Pocket Book / 218 pages

ISBN 978-2-924286-27-2



Thierry Gagnon, auteur


Le châtiment de Prométhée de Thierry Gagnon, paru chez numediteur.


A seagull that is not a seagull.

A sky that is not a sky.

A god who didn't want to be a god.

A messenger who wanted to be Zeus instead of Zeus.

A king without love, a captive queen.

Parents who only have eternity.

A young girl who won't be long.


Under the protection of the titan Prometheus, Kimiko must accompany the soul of her parents guarded by their murderer, the god Hermes, newly returned from an exile of more than two thousand years. It's a race against time as hunger and thirst lurk in Kimiko, while hellish monsters wait in the depths of the abyss. Already, hordes of souls, attracted by the life force of the young girl, are set in motion. The Hells, until then asleep, are waking up ...

eBook: $ 7.99 / € 5.79

Paper: $ 16.99 / € 10.99


Pocket Book / 328 pages

ISBN 978-2-924286-88-3



Richard Goulet, auteur


Draconis Coda de Richard Goulet, paru chez numediteur.

Pocket Book / 338 pages

ISBN 978-2-924286-77-7

In a land as far away as the time to which this story refers, lived a once prosperous people. The climate was pleasant and conducive to agriculture, breeding and good neighborliness. In this country, Philopony, reigned a good sovereign for his people, who returned him good. But that was in the days before the invasion of these evil beasts that are the dragons.


(...) Le matin du départ, la moitié de la population était venue faire ses adieux à l’autre moitié, qui elle, partait en guerre. Des chevaliers y avaient em­me­né leurs familles – épouses éplorées, fils qui auraient voulu partir avec eux, filles qui au­raient voulu que leurs soupirants restent – pour assister à l’événement. Il y avait bien sûr le cha­noine qui avait repris des couleurs et qui, à qui mieux mieux, goupillonnait la foule et encensait les troupiers, ou vice versa.

Izidor avait à sa droite son fils Zébald, seize ans, svelte, mais peu de chair après l’os, portant un plastron, décidément trop grand pour lui. Même s’il l’avait matelassé à l’intérieur, on avait l’impression que son corps servait de battant à une cloche. Il remplissait tant bien que mal cet espace avec l’impétuosité de sa jeunesse. Le prin­ce remarqua un groupe de jeunes filles dans la foule et en particulier une jolie frimousse qui sem­blait se moquer de son attirail en gloussant avec ses amies, ce qui titilla son orgueil. Il se promit de rabattre le caquet à cette pré­tentieuse dès son retour. « Joli minois, quand même, apprécia-t-il. »

eBook: $ 7.99 / € 5.79

Paper: $ 16.99 / € 10.99




Richard Goulet, auteur


Le Troubadour de Richard Goulet, paru chez numediteur.

Paperback / 418 pages

ISBN 978-2-925019-11-4

In 1147, Louis VII king of France received the order from Pope Eugene III to raise a powerful army and take over the Latin state of the East, Edessa, which the Turks took three years ago. But Louis is jealous and does not want to leave his wife, Aliénor d'Aquitaine, alone in Paris. The queen will therefore accompany him, despite his capricious tastes. Indeed, she could not live without a court of nobles nor do without maids and servants. She cannot consider the prospect of being bored during the bivouacs either. Artists will therefore be part of the trip, including Damien de Nantes, a talented young troubadour, likely to justify Louis' jealousy. But will Eleanor and Damien observe the strict rules of courtly love?


Damien marchait d’un bon pas et commençait à trouver cette journée de début de printemps lourde et humide. Sa première destination était Poitiers, qu’il atteindrait dans quatre jours et où il envisageait d’entrer au service d’Aliénor d’Aquitaine en tant que musicien et poète à la cour. Tous les troubadours et quelques trouvères itinérants avec lesquels il s’était entretenu lui avaient vanté les réceptions au château du duc Guillaume X, père d’Aliénor, lui-même poète à ses heures. Tous considéraient leur passage chez la duchesse et sa cour à Poitiers comme le couronnement de leur carrière, et Damien avait ambitieusement décidé d’y commencer la sienne.


eBook: $ 11.99 / € 7.79

Paper: $ 22.99 / € 14.79



Stéphanie Perreault, auteure


Les filles de Wakefield 1 – Carole-Anne, paru chez numediteur.

Pocket Book / 158 pages

ISBN 978-2-924286-67-8

The Wakefield Girls -  Volume 1


At the end of the 19th century, the village of Wakefield, Quebec, sleeps peacefully under its blanket of snow. Braving the wind and the cold, a newcomer, Jean Landry, comes to settle. They flee from him and his land is in ruins; he doesn't understand what is happening to him. One night, his fate changes as he comes to the aid of his neighbor, Providence, mother of Carole-Anne and Esther.

Renamed Sainte-Croix, he traces a path in the hearts of Providence, particularly in that of the pretty and comely Carole-Anne. While everyone believes they have found in themselves a friend, a son, a brother, a fiancé, Sainte-Croix must return to the woods for one last season. However, his return is more and more late and the girls of Wakefield must fill the wait ... Will they come back?


Lorsqu’il arriva à l’orée d’un grand bois de bou­leaux, d’érables et d’épinettes, Jean entendit, grâce au vent qui soufflait dans la bonne direc­tion, la cloche d’une église tinter et comprit qu’il ne devait plus être très loin.

Malgré qu’on l’eut prévenu que c’était folie d’en­treprendre un tel voyage en cette saison, c’é­tait de bon cœur qu’il s’était mis en route. Ni la neige, qui avait inutilement travaillé à remettre une couche de blanc sur un horizon déjà imma­culé, ni le vent qui avait dispensé un froid intense n’avaient réussi à le décourager d’avancer. Et c’était pitié lorsque, à cause des chevaux, il de­vait se contraindre à faire étape, car si cela n’eut tenu qu’à lui, il ne se serait arrêté seulement qu’une fois gagné d’épuisement.

eBook: $ 4.99 / € 3.29

Paper: $ 12.49 / € 8.59




Stéphanie Perreault, auteure


Les filles de Wakefield 2 – Amandine, paru chez numediteur.

Pocket Book / 166 pages

ISBN 978-2-924286-69-2

The Wakefield Girls -  Volume 2


Wakefield, a small village in Quebec nestled in the Gatineau mountains, saw the start of the 20th century. The Providence daughters, Carole-Anne and Esther, both found their ways. While Carole-Anne remains on the family farm, Esther has moved away from the nest to dedicate her life to helping others. Religious life seemed to him the right avenue for living his vocation.


While she is at the Convent of Hull and is about to pronounce her vows, a heavy cloud hangs over the city. On the afternoon of April 26, 1900, Hull experienced the biggest fire in its history. In her downtown business, Amandine Allard courageously gathers her children around her, then sees her husband disappear in flames. Realizing that she has lost everything, Amandine resolves to rebuild everything and to become, too, a girl from Wakefield.


(...) Occupé par ce grand train qu’il lui fallait mener à bien, il ne pouvait s’empêcher, de temps à autre, de jeter un coup d’œil rapide sur Carole-Anne. Éclairées par la lune, ses joues rougissaient dans le froid de la nuit, malgré qu’elle eût le menton enfoui dans la fourrure de son col. Elle lui apparaissait adorable mais il devait  détourner le regard, car sinon un trop-plein d’émotion l’aurait envahi, si, trop longtemps il s’était attardé sur elle. Sa femme avait mis beaucoup de soin à sa toilette et rayonnait de vie. Elle avait essayé bon nombre de combinaisons pour assortir les couleurs et harmoniser tout de ce que finalement elle avait choisi de porter. Jamais Sainte-Croix n’avait regretté d’avoir jeté son dévolu sur une créature aussi jolie et bonne que celle qui se trouvait à ses côtés. S’efforçant habituellement de ne pas trop montrer ou dire combien il tenait à elle, car il était réservé par nature, il ne put pourtant à cet instant s’empêcher de lâcher :

— Mon Dieu, ma femme, t’es don’ ben belle !

eBook: $ 4.99 / € 3.29

Paper: $ 12.49 / € 8.59




Nelly Pérez, auteure


Olé de Nelly Pérez, paru chez numediteur.

Pocket Book  / 140 pages

ISBN 978-2-924286-48-7

Stanislas is a stock broker, but no longer exercises his function for having defrauded most of his relatives. On the verge of passing off the silver bracelets, listening only to his courage as a weakling tie, he goes into exile towards the glaciers of Greenland, accompanied by his case on wheels and his patent moccasins. His meager baggage is certainly ill-equipped to brave the bad weather, yet it is the solitary heart of the man who is even less inclined to find in these polar lands the warmth of a home.


(...)  Il s'écarte pour laisser mon champ de vision libre sur le large. Seigneur je ne m’étais encore aperçu de rien. Le ciel danse autour et au-dessus de nos têtes. Je ne sais comment décrire ce spectacle autrement qu'avec les mots danse, cabre, tourne, renverse, chavire, tangue. Comme nous en permanence sur ce navire, les cieux ont choisi de nous imiter. Les lumières dans le ciel sont le reflet en couleur de nos ressentis d'hommes libres encerclés par les eaux. Bleu indigo et vert pâle pour l'espoir, les nuances chaudes de mauve, d'orangé et de rouge vif pour la hardiesse de nos labeurs. Tous ces mouvements longs et tendres durant lesquels les pigments se mélangent me donnent le sentiment d'être le voyeur honteux d'une scène intime, l'apparition nommée boréale. C'est donc cet effet délicat et impossible à décrire que tant de photographes tentent en vain d'écrouer sur le film d'une pellicule en deux dimensions. Sous nos yeux, le monde entier est en branle.

eBook: $ 4.99 / € 3.29

Paper: $ 12.49 / € 7.99




Gaëtan Picard, auteur


Azura l'intégrale de Gaëtan Picard, paru chez numediteur.

Paperback / 558  pages

ISBN 978-2-924286-82-1


Volume 1 - L'Arbre-Ro i

Volume 2 - Baha-Mar and the magic mirrors

Volume 3 - The Temple of the Night

Volume 4 - The Shadowless Tower


“A fantastic tale that approaches mythology. Quite exceptional, well written, recommendable! "  - Claire Pimparé, Hi Hello! VAT network


“The writing of this series deserves to be recognized. The vocabulary is rich, the language strong and the descriptions superb. It's almost poetic. A very beautiful story that does not lack action. For good readers of the genre. "  - Louise Paquin, Vivrélire


“A beautiful, colorful writing, tinged with the scent of fairy tales ... Each of the volumes can be read independently. The pieces of the puzzle which escape the reader, far from discouraging them, will encourage them to read the preceding volumes. "  - Pierrette Giroux, Lurelu


“The author tells his story with a very beautiful handwriting that does not compromise: he does not adapt the level to make reading easier. On the contrary, he takes great care to use a sought-after, but unpretentious style, while keeping a tone suited to the seriousness of the twists. "  - Laurine Spehner, Solaris


“The many creatures born from the poetic and very precise pen of the novelist are almost visible. " - Sonia Sarfati, La Presse


“I found this series to be excellent, but from the third volume on, it just got pretty awesome. Well done ! " - Shirley-Carol Landry, Elvenbook

eBook: $ 9.99 / € 6.39

Paper: $ 21.99 / € 13.99




Gaëtan Picard, auteur


Au sud de Grabugie de Gaëtan Picard, paru chez numediteur.

Pocket Book / 186 pages

ISBN 978-2-924286-04-3

A Grabuge, writer and member of the Noircerie, goes to Nempêche to investigate the disappearance of a letter of the alphabet: the double-p. She will discover a world where holding a pencil is the most perilous of adventures.


"Who hasn't dreamed of being someone else?" However, it is possible at each countdown to start from zero. We chose a nickname, which comes with a palp and balls. By using the pen, the person will imbue himself with his new identity. The author has an easy to read writing style. The book is intriguing, and we really want to know how this pseudogma system works with palps and balls. Recommended for anyone looking for an original novel to read. "  - Mylène Lavoie, Pause Lecture.

“An excellent novel! An astonishing approach to writing, uchronia, perhaps anticipation ... Worthy of Brazil or Farenheit 451 , at the very least. "  - Paul Blanchot, author.

eBook: $ 7.99 / € 5.79

Paper: $ 12.49 / € 7.99




Gaëtan Picard, auteur


Le livre imaginaire de Gaëtan Picard, paru chez numediteur.

Pocket Book / 108 pages

ISBN 978-2-924286-02-9

The imaginary book is this book which pushes all the authors to one day take up the pen and which has however never been written. Among those who have tried the adventure there are illustrious strangers but also great names in literature such as Baudelaire, Cocteau, Kerouak, Burroughs, Gauvreau or Aquin. They all wanted to name this other sky that they had seen in a burst of silence. All have left either their health or their reason. Simon Bernard, Mathieu's father, is the last writer on this sad list. Resuming his pen, the young man does not suspect the strange encounter he will make between the lines of literary history.


"... What the author proposes is quite fresh in that we do not predict the unfolding of the story. The construction is good, logical and the pages are easy to understand. Once the book is closed, with moral support, you come out with the feeling of having read a tale with a special atmosphere. The Imaginary Book is indeed not only a story of discovery for the young boy that is Mathieu, it is above all a question of reflection. Behind the words of the writer, it is possible to sense a double talk. The main themes are launched: reading, writing, inspiration. The hero is no longer just the person to whom an extraordinary adventure occurs: he embodies each author at one point or another in his life. He is the author who is afraid to write, the misunderstood author, the one who confronts his inner demons, the one who tries to control the flow of his inspiration. In a way, he is you, he is me, but above all he is "them", who carry us with their feathers. On the pages is outlined the double-edged creative process where writing meets madness. In short, The Imaginary Book contains interesting avenues for reflection on literary creation. Despite his youth, the hero prompts us to see how a person can become an author. The image is strong to see a person standing in the way of themselves in some way. A tale that mixes acceptance, resignation in combat, the calm of dreams with the frenzy of inspiration. "- Alain Touffait, the Patelinant

eBook: $ 3.99 / € 2.69

Paper: $ 9.99 / € 6.79



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