Adventure tourism has become very popular. People go off to explore jungles, climb mountains and explore the high Arctic. This was a different kind of adventure tourism!
This adventure was an adventure into a previous age. An age when slavery was not merely legal, but a normal and accepted part of everyday life. When human flesh was bought and sold on a daily basis, and slaves were considered of less value than animals.
Evelyn was a curious, adventurous girl. As a student of history and psychology she was interested in the mental and psychological aspects of slavery. She was also, she had to admit, excited at the sexual aspects of being a slave. Going to a slave colony seemed to be the perfect way to spend her summer vacation.
The contract had been somewhat intimidating. Pages and pages of conditions. Everything was explained to her in detail, and a counsellor, herself a slave, a permanent one, told her in very graphic terms what slavery was all about. After a thorough medical examination she was taken out to the show pens.
It was exciting, and humiliating, to be out there, naked, to be examined by those in the market for a slave. ‘No limits’, that was the frightening part. The contract went into great detail what that meant. An owner could do anything he, or she, liked to a slave, apart from permanent mutilation.
The excitement, the sexual excitement, was paramount. She was naked, available. She was going to be sold. She was going to be used. She was a slave, an object. She was soft, vulnerable flesh. An instrument for pleasure.
Soon, soon, she would be sold. She couldn’t wait!